domingo, 17 de janeiro de 2016

Today I bring you this beautiful dish, today's revenue in the culinary arts

Today I bring you this beautiful dish, today's revenue in the culinary arts is Yakisoba, this is my dish is a delight, one that impresses even the most hardened skeptic that my cooking arts are consistent, just made this dish for aniverário my cousin, by the way she loved the culinary arts of Yakisoba .. The Japanese culinary arts is certainly appreciated around the world for several different peoples and cultures, who never ate Yakisoba right? I love everything new especially international recipes, Arabic food, Japanese, Chinese, Greek, French, Italian and many more. Since I live in a tiny little place to eat these delicacies would have to travel at least 6 hours then to can enjoy this taste, and believe me it's worth, but there is no pocket that can withstand whim size. Every day I cook for virtually min, more like every person who loves to cook loves having guests to enjoy their culinary arts, I am no different love to see a full house to eat my culinary arts.


500g of pasta in style yakisoba
1 medium onion or chopped in large pedaços- Culinary arts
1 tablespoon olive oil of your choice
 1 sauce for yakissoba
200g beef cut of your choice
200g Frando Strips
100 g of champignon
2 carrots cut into diagonal
6 chard leaves cut to your liking
6 cabbage leaves cut to your liking
100g bean sprouts (moyashi)
6 pods and cut into thin diagonal
3 large flowers of cauliflower cut into 5cm
5 large flowers of broccoli cut into 5 cm
1 chicken bouillon tablet.
1 tablespoon hondashi soup (fish-based seasoning)
10 ml of roasted sesame oil or the like that

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